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Angie Dickinson is a life-long lover of magical stories that point to hope and redemption. Growing up, she was consumed with the romanticized lives of fictional writers such as Anne Shirley and Jo March, and the truth-laden wonder of imaginary worlds such as Narnia and Middle Earth. These influences planted the seed of a dream to create her own worlds and lovable characters one day.


She received a B.A. in English Literature and is now an author of young adult fantasy, living in the woods of Michigan with her heroic husband, their four children, a cat with no boundaries, and a startling number of books and swords.


Angie is saved by grace alone and is in awe of her Savior's unrestrained love. She is blessed by her big, boisterous family and is fond of Earl Gray tea, reading too late at night, and seizing every opportunity to share her passion for fantasy and fairy tales.